Hit a Rock Formation? No Problem.
Hard Rock Well Drilling Contractors
What is a hard rock well: During the drilling and installation of most wells a driller is going through various formations of gravel, clay, soft rock, and sand. Occassionally, well drillers will run into a hard rock formation such as granite, that requires special bits, drill rigs, and drilling techniques. Regardless of the final water well application, a hard rock formation can make things very difficult for the driller and the customer.
Why is it important: Drillers without the proper equipment risk losing a bit head in the hole and having to spend time fishing or backtracking from the well while customers are stuck footing the bill for lost time and damaged equipment.
How our drilling contractors help: Let our hard rock drilling experts use their 35+ years of experience and state-of-the-art equipment to increase the footage drilled and decrease the cost per foot on your next hard rock well drilling project. Whether your project is in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, or Wisconsin you can be assured we have the expertise and equipment to Get the Job Done Right the First Time.
Hard Rock Well Drilling Experts
We Have the Equipment & Experience to Help
Hitting an unexpected rock formation can be a frustrating and tough situation for the customer as well as the driller. We’re here to help. Whether it’s a commercial or residential water well project, our hard rock drilling experts will work with you to Get the Job Done Right the First Time using our air rig to drill through the tough layers of rock and find water.
Did You Know?
Large quantities of water can be located in hardrock wells, but the most common areas we’ve seen hard rock formations are in South Central and Southwest Minnesota in areas near Luverne, Jasper, Windom, New Ulm, and Redwood Falls. These formations have also been encountered in areas of South Dakota in and around Big Stone and Sioux Falls.
Hard Rock Well Drilling Ratings
From Our Happy Customers

Average Rating: 4.7/5
Reviews: 6
Steffl has helped us with several hard rock wells and always gets the job done as promised. Always happy with your work Mike - Thank you!
- Jim V.
Jasper, Minnesota
Service: Hard Rock Well Drilling
5 out of
Hard Rock Well Drilling Services
Trusted by Contractors & Drillers Across the Midwest
RJ Schafer Well Drilling
New Ulm, Minnesota
Baxter Construction
Madison, Iowa
Marcus Water Well
Renville, Minnesota
Don’t Let a Rock Weigh You Down – We Can Help!